Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Christmas!!!

Amy, Aidan, and Harper, Amy keeps Harper while I work
Getting ready for Aidan's birthday

Harper and Gran, Ben's grandmother

Harper trying out Pop's saddle and new saddle rack
For Christmas Harper got Ben's childhood rocking chair from Pop and KeKe

Makenna, Harper and KeKe

Mom Lee, Ben's other grandmother, and all her great grandchildren

Christmas morning

Harper and Makenna trying out the new saddle rack

Harper's first present

Bath time with cousin Makenna

Playtime! You can see Harper's big tooth
It's what Harper does best

Harper may be embarrassed later, but I couldn't resist

Harper has changed so much since I posted last. She is now standing and taking a few steps before falling. She has three teeth, two bottom and one lone big top tooth. She waves and says bye bye. Her Grammy and Grandpy think she is the smartest baby ever. Along with her new developments she is getting more and more attitude. I am a little afraid of when we will be able to understand what she is saying, she may be in some big trouble. If she doesn't get her way she clinches her jaw and shakes, it is quite funny at times, but I'm sure it will not always be funny. As you can see she has also learned to eat and is enjoying new foods, her favorite is still plain ole Cheerios.
We had a very nice Christmas, although we missed some family members. Harper got tons of nice thing, we feel very blessed. It's time again to clean out her closet. Thanks to our families for making Christmas so nice.
For all who were worried, Harper's eye is healing nicely. The last desovible stitch came out a couple of days ago, and I think the scar looks less red everyday. There is no longer any bump.
I am job searching again because the doctor I worked for is closing his practice. So as of Monday I am unemployed, but I have some promising prospects.
Come visit us!
There are tons of pictures, because I have not posted in so long.

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