Monday, April 28, 2008

Growing and Growing

Harper is now close to 10 pounds and almost fills up her bathtub. I think she gets a little bigger everyday. She is starting to smile purposefully, at least I think she is. She is also starting to coo a little when you talk to her. The night feeding situation is improving a little, I think we can now make it about four hours between feedings.
Harper went to the bowling ally for the first time last Saturday night. I felt a little white trash taking my five week old to the bowling ally, but she slept the whole time and didn't even get out of her carrier, I don't think many people noticed she was there. Oh and the bowling ally was smoke free.
We enjoyed our trip to Mineral Wells and meeting Grammy and Grandpy for the first time. Harper also met Shelby and Mr. Street, Mindi, Jill and Mrs. Narcomey. I think Dane, Poppy and, Harper's unamed Grandma, enjoyed seeing her. We also enjoyed our visit from KeKe, Mom Lee, Katie, Dustin, and Makenna.
Hope everyone is doing well, you should visit us soon because it seems Harper will be packing for college next week!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pictures 3-4 Weeks

One Month

Tomorrow Harper is one month old, yeah!!! She is growing and becoming more alert everyday, she stays awake longer and longer each day also. She has been going through a growth spurt the past few days and has been eating every two hours, that has been a tiring challenge, but I can tell she is growing which is encouraging. We went to the doctor Tuesday for a weight check, she had lost so much in the beginning that we are having to weigh in periodically, so Tuesday Harper weighted 8lbs 7oz. We are on the right track. And for those of you who were concerned she is having much more frequent dirty diapers.
Today we went to eat lunch with a friend of mine I used to work with in the Pedi ER, Mendy Riggins and her 10 month old daughter Emmy. Harper was very well behaved and did not cry much.
We are looking forward to our trip to Mineral Wells and meeting Grammy and Grandpy for the first time.
I haven't figured out how to title each picture yet but I am working on it.
Keep in touch everyone, we would love to hear from you!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Almost Two Weeks Old

Tomorrow we take Harper to the doctor for her two week checkup. I can't believe she is so old! The rest of us are doing well. I have been getting more and more sleep each night, so things are calming down, although I wouldn't call them calm.

My mom, who has not decided what she wants to be called, has been here all week helping Harper and I make a smooth transition.

For the Mineral Wells family, Harper and I will be staying with mom and dad April 20-24th while Ben is on a business trip. That is during the week but if your able come visit and meet baby Harper!

We have gone picture crazy so I will try to edit the selection and not post too many the same.