Saturday, August 9, 2008


I forgot Harper went to the doctor Friday. She weighed 17lbs 5oz, and was 25 1/4inches. A very healthy baby. :)

Quiet Weekend

We stayed in Weatherford this weekend and have enjoyed it. Harper and I along with my mom and dad went to Harper's Great Great Aunt Retta's house for lunch. We visited our cousin Suzie and her husband Sam, and also got to play with Uncle Dane. The food was delicious and we really enjoyed the visit.

Our friends Jay and Kim Hurst had a baby, Jett Riley, today. Congratulations Jay and Kim, we're so excited for y'all, and so thankful everything went so well.

Here are a lot of catch up pictures, I will try to become more consistent with the postings. We are beginning to become settled in the new house, although it has been a very long process.

Monday, August 4, 2008

4 Months +

I apologize to everyone for being so late. We have had a little going on. We moved to Weatherford July 5th and have not had time to breath since.

We went back to Lubbock for the Roberts family reunion in Lamesa where some of Ben's family met Harper for the first time. Ben was in Israel on business and missed the whole thing, I know he wishes he would have been there. However, he had a good time in Israel.

Our new house still has boxes everywhere, we have only been here one month :). I feel like all my spare time goes to holding Harper, so I haven't gotten much done lately.

Harper is getting huge. She is starting to get such a personality. Sometimes not such a good one and other times a great one. She smiles a lot in the mornings and then gets fussier throughout the day. She rolls all the time and has started to may crawling motions. She is very frustrated and has to be entertained quite a bit because she wants to see and do things but is not mobile yet. She rolled off the ottoman the other day for the first time. I didn't see it but I am pretty sure she bounced, she was not injured, just upset.

Harper also went to her first wedding. My cousin Kelly got married in Granbury a couple of weekends ago. Harper met my cousins for the first time and did really well.

We also started giving Harper food for the first time about a week ago. There are pictures of her first bite. Needless to say I don't think she is a fan of peas. She likes carrots and green beans though.

This past weekend we went to Lubbock for J and Kim's baby shower. We can't wait to meet Jett. We had a really nice time seeing all our friends but it was a very short trip and now we are all a little tired and grumpy. We can't wait for football to start, we will make a few more fun trips back to Lubbock.

Ben is liking his new manager position and makes frequent trips to Ft. Worth and Carrolton. I am also enjoying my new job in Mineral Wells. I see mainly adults in the new office.

We just got a contract on our house today in Lubbock. We are sad that chapter of our lives is closing but a new one is starting. We have made many good friends in Lubbock and will miss them dearly.

Again I apologize and I will try to be better about posting now that we are a little more settled. I hope everyone is doing well. Come visit us!!!

I am going to have to post pictures later b/c the website is having difficutlies. I will get back to y'all.