Saturday, May 24, 2008

Two Months Old

Harper is now two months old and has changed so much. She now rolls over occasionally, and smiles, and will try to talk back if you speak to her.

I am putting a lot of pictures since I haven't posted in a while. There is a picture with Ian Alexander, a friend of the families. He is the first Englishman Harper has met. I think she was a little intrigued by his accent.

This was my first week back at work, it was a bit exhausting. I have cried on and off all week about sending Harper to the babysitter but Harper has adjusted well. We are fortunate to have a very sweet, caring babysitter, Patty. I think so far Harper has been pretty easy, at least she hasn't spent time in the corner yet like cousin Makenna.

We are spending Memorial Day home just relaxing. Hope everyone has a happy holiday and relaxing three day weekend.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Seven Weeks

Harper is seven weeks old today, time flies. She has now found her voice and uses it often. She is starting to play with toys and smile a lot.

Last night she slept through the night for the first time. It was very nice for me. She slept from 10:30pm to 6:30am. I contribute it to the swaddling. I read a book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" the other day and I now swaddle Harper every night. It has worked so far, I am going to remain positive and hope that sleeping is a new habit of Harper's.

We are going to Mineral Wells for the weekend, Harper and I will stay until Wednesday but Ben will leave Sunday.

Come visit us soon!!!!

Happy Mothers Day!!!