Thursday, April 17, 2008

One Month

Tomorrow Harper is one month old, yeah!!! She is growing and becoming more alert everyday, she stays awake longer and longer each day also. She has been going through a growth spurt the past few days and has been eating every two hours, that has been a tiring challenge, but I can tell she is growing which is encouraging. We went to the doctor Tuesday for a weight check, she had lost so much in the beginning that we are having to weigh in periodically, so Tuesday Harper weighted 8lbs 7oz. We are on the right track. And for those of you who were concerned she is having much more frequent dirty diapers.
Today we went to eat lunch with a friend of mine I used to work with in the Pedi ER, Mendy Riggins and her 10 month old daughter Emmy. Harper was very well behaved and did not cry much.
We are looking forward to our trip to Mineral Wells and meeting Grammy and Grandpy for the first time.
I haven't figured out how to title each picture yet but I am working on it.
Keep in touch everyone, we would love to hear from you!!


Unknown said...

Way to go Harper on the dirty diapers! We are so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you both!! Keepa gave me the address so I could see some pictures. Wow Ben, didn't know you had it in you. :)She's beautiful!! Congratulations!!

Keep her out of the cowfeeders. :)
